Wednesday, June 20, 2012

info on dating ,online dating

dating is process in which two people hang out to know each other their likes or is to know your partner well enough.going to movies ,romantic dinner ,trekking ,boating,  like there are so many activities for dating.but in the present world people are busy in their work.nowadays people are so ingaged in their works.people have no any time for their own personal life.hence people love life is not so good.every person in the whole world is facing this problem.people are not successful in their love life.even after marriage their are fights, quarrel and ends up  on divorse because of wrong choice of partner so nowadays for the solution of all this a new dating system is popular online dating is a digital dating through which one can find the right person he/she wished dating is easy,understandable and easily can find a partner you wished for just you have to do is be  a member of a dating site.for more you can got   <a href="">Christian Dating</a>
tips for dating:
make every thing planned,be very fresh and smile every time , do not be nervous and make your partner comfortable.this is most important tips just be your self .do exactly what your partner likes.
online dating advice
first impression is from profile picture so add a nice profile picture of yours, write a nice loveable description about you , first know your own line partner well before meeting him/her in real,know
your partner well their likes dislikes.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

about nepal

Our world consists of seven continents Asia ,Europe,Africa,North America,South America,Australia, and Antartica.with in these continents ,Nepal lies in Asian continent.Nepal is a small and naturally beautiful country.Nepal is a landlocked country.It doesnot have direct link to the sea .Nepal is rectangular in shape.Nepal is bordered by Tibet in north and by India to south ,east and west.The landscapes of Nepal are very  diverse  .There are highlands to the north ,hills mountains to the middle and plain to the south.Nepal is also known for its tourism.Nepal is famous for trekking,hikking,jungle safari,river rafting,sport fishing.There is variation in climate.To the it is chill cold,to the middle it is mild and very hot in  to the south.The main cities of Nepal are Kathmandu which is capital city,Pokhara, Biratnagar,Lalitpur,Bhaktapur,Nepalgunj, Chitwan,Dharan,Birgunj,Lumbini and Ilam.Since,1990 Nepal became a constitutional monarchy. In 2006 ,Nepal became a democratic country.Lophophorous is national bird of Nepal.Cow is national animal.Crimson is Nepal's national colour and Rododendern is it's national flower. The flag of Nepal is traingular in shape with logo of sun and moon.Flag  coloured with red and blue.Nepal is a small country but its contents makes it so big.
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physical aspects

The physical features of nepal is diverse and amazing.The total area is 1,47,181  sqkm .It is 800km long and 200 km wide.Nepal is geographically  divided into 3 regions Himalayan , Hilly and Terai region.Himalayan has the highest mountain range in the world.The world  highest mountains Mt Everest at 8848meters is in Himalayan region . The worlds third  highest peak Kanchanjunga is also located in Himalayan region.Eight mountains of Nepal are listed in top fourteen highest peaks of the world . The climate is cold here .This is the region where snow fall every year.Coniferous types of vegetations are found here. Hilly region contains of various mountains from 1000meter and 4000meter.The climate of Hilly region is mild(neither too hot nor too cold).Churia range the low mountain range has higher population than other mountain range.The decidious kind of vegetables are found here.The cities like Kathmandu , Pokhara lies in Hilly regions.Terai region has plain lands bordering with India.The soil are fertile here.The climate is hot in Terai.The vegetation are evergreen.The forest are dense and green.Terai is mostly known for agriculture and growing crops.     

cultural aspects

Nepal is a very religious and devine country.Nepali people believes in religion ,culture and traditions.Nepal is secular country . Most of the people live here are Hindu but Buddhist,Muslim and Christians are also found here.Nepali people believes in holy gods and mythecal creatures.All customs and traditions are based on this culture. Nepal is one of the country with many festivals ,customs.The main festivals of nepal is Vijaya Dashami, Deepawali,Teej ,Guru purnima,Shree krisna janmasthami,Holi,Maha shivaratri.Nepaliese people reunites in this festivals.They celebrate,spend good times with each others.Nepal is divided into 4 castes and 36 subcastes.People of different castes like Newar,Bramin,Chhetri,Magar,Tamang,Gurung are found .Each caste have its own culture,tradition,language.There are various temples which shows Nepal's culture and traditions.Cultural aspects of Nepal are reflected through idols,monuments,folk songs and dances, festivals,custumes.temples like Pasupatinath,chhangunarayan,hanuman dhoka,shoyambhunath and others are listed in world heritage.Culture of nepal is similar with north tibet. 

social aspects

Nepal is a society based country.People of Nepal reffers  living in society.People are very narrow minded,religiously beliefed.The total population of Nepal is 2,31,51,423 acording to 2058BS census.Nepal is a male dominated country.The main crops of nepal are rice,maize,millet,barley,buckwheat,wheat,flour.The main meal of Nepali is dal-bhat with vegetables,uchar at morning and evening in daily basis.But beside this snacks like fried rice,chiura,milk,tea,breads are also taken.People drinks local alcohol made from millet.In rural areas houses are made up of stone and clay.Animal husbandary and agriculture is more preffered in rural area but in urban areas houses are made up of bricks,stones,cement.Bussiness,engineering,medical,marketing are more preffered here.Main clothes of Nepal is daura ,surwal,coat and topi for men and blouse, sari,patuki for women.But at present men wear shirt,pants,caps,jeans,shoes and women wear skirt,t-shirts,lungs,frocks. 

historical aspects

Every nation has its history.Nepal too has its long history.As we know before Nepal was not united.Nepal was divided into 24 kingdom.Each kingdom has its own king.The king of Gorkha was Prithvi Narayan Shah who is known as father of nation.Prithvi Narayan Shah has a dream to make the nation unite.After his father's death he started war against other kingdom.Slowly he concuquered all the kingdom as his own  made all the kingdom unite and named it Nepal.There was Rana rule many years ago.During Rana rule they developed the society but people where unhappy with Rana rules.Only high caste used to get all  facilities and low castes where treated bad.History also tells us about the war between Nepal and Britist.Britist tried to conquire Nepal but Bir Nepali (Gorkhali) stood in their way.Many Nepali gave their lives but protected nepal from the hands of britist.The Nepali died in saving Nepal are known as matyrs today.Ganga Lal sastri,Siddhi Charan Shrestha  are  some of the matyrs.Nepal was a monarchy country.Kina Mahendra ,King Tribhuwan,King Birendra ,King Gyanendra are  some kings ruled in Nepal.In 2001 King Birendra and his all family were killed.Prince Gyanendra became king.The death of birendra gave birth to maiost.Moist started attacks.There was war between king and people.Andolan ,bands were held till 2006 when king gave  power back to public.In 2008 nepal became republic.

wildlife aspects

World is filled arround with Wild lives .This Wild life makes the World alive. There are many animals and birds with unique characters , features ,skills which make them different from others. Wildlifes live in the place where it can adapt.Many countries have unique animals and birds which makes it popular like Australia is known for kangaroo,China is known for White Pandas ,India for Bengal Tigers. In context of  Nepal ,it is filled with various wild lives.Wild lives of  Nepal has adapted to the environmental condition of it. According to Nepals geographic region,in the northern Himalayan region animals like yak , horse , snow leopard ,tibetan fox , tibetan wolves ,red panda ,marbled cat.Yak is most popular and useful animal  in Himalayan region.Yak are used for milk, to carry  loads horse are also used to carrry loads.Birds are not much found in Himalayan region but the national bird of Nepal Lophophorous( Danfe ) is found  there .In hilly regions .Bengal tigers, wild buffaloes , wolves ,foxes ,wild oxes ,deers ,swamp deers ,musk deers,spotted deers,barking deers ,leopards ,hyenas   are found.Mostly domestic animals are found in hilly like cows ,buffaloes ,dogs, cats ,ox .and birds like sparrows ,crows ,parrots ,pegions , eagles , vultures,swarms ,ducks  .In the terai region most the animals and birds are found. Great numbers of wildlifes are found in Terai  regions.tigers , Bengal tigers , one horned rhinoceros , elephants, monkeys , pythons ,gharials , crocodiles, bears , jackals ,deers .and birds like eagle ,vultures , kingfishers ,herons, hornbills ,bulbuls ,kokos,swarm.But many animals and birds are in list of endangered animals like tiger , rhinoceros , python ,vultures , crocodiles.Every year the number of wild lives are decreasing.

people aspects

Without people there is no value of a country especially good people.Every country have its own people they get their country name by birth.Every people are named by their country name like people of America are called Americans , Japan are called Japenese ,people of china are called Chinese likewise  Russia Russians, India Indians, Africa Africans.likewise people of Nepal get their name after their country name from  birth and are called Nepalese.people of Nepal are mostly narrow minded , superstitious.Nepali people are friendly ,cooperative in time helpful.Varieties kind of people are found in Nepal.according to caste Brahmin ,Chhetri , Newar ,Magar ,Gurung ,Tamang ,Sherpa ,Tharu ,Rajbansi, Dhimal ,Sherchan and many more.Each caste have different lifestyle, culture ,living.Brahmins are most religious beliefed caste.They are more dedicated to traditions then other caste.Most of the Brahmins are vegetarians.Newars are the most celebrating caste of all caste.Newars observe most of the festivals through out the year then the other caste.Newars are originated from Kathmandu.Kathmandu is mostly populated by Newars.Newar have their own language called Newari.Gurung people also have their own customs ,tradition .most of the Gurung people are working out of the country.They speak Gurung language.Sherpa people mostly lives in cold Himalayan regions.they have their own customs.they are mostly buddhist.nepal is filled with various kinds of people.There are people of old age and also people of modern age.

international relation aspects

Nepal is a small country.It is economically backward then other coutries.Its defence system is also weak.Nepal is very backward related to technology and development than many countries like America , India ,China , Europe ,Africa. Nepal lies middle of between two countries India and China which are two big and developed countries.Nepal's neighbouring countries China and India are more further developed than Nepal itself.the technologies systems rules used in China and India are very much advanced than Nepal .Even though it has good relation with this countries.China and Nepal are mutually cooperated with each other.China helped to overcome its economic condition.China provides raw produce to Nepal. Also it provide Nepal with gadgets. Nepal also provides crops to China. India helps Nepal in finance,provides industrial products. Most of the things used in Nepal are imported from India.many hospitals ,schools , roads built in Nepal with the help of India. Japan also helped in constructing building ,highways.USA and  UK are mutual countries which also helped Nepal in finance. Nepal is one of the member country of  SAARC which is a international organisation of different international  countries. Nepal participates in international competition like Olympics. The relation of Nepal with other international is mutual and going on good.

modern aspects

Nepal is  mostly based on  religion.Nepal is not known as a mordernize country but it is in the way of  modernization.All countries are mordenizing.America ,Europe ,Africa ,India , Japan, China are some modernizing coutries.In agriculture ,farmer are starting using mordern tools like agricultural tractors.Healthy hybrid  seeds  are used for cultivation.Advanced technology and methods are used for cultivation.Chemical fertilizers are in use.Agricultural crops growing rate is increasing.Now a days computers are companing every Nepali.Computers are now a days part of life of Nepali people.Before electricity was generated by water only but now electricity is generated from wind ,solar rays.modern medical technologies are started to come in use in hospitals.Roads of Nepal are fully filled with vehicals.Latest cars,bikes are running on the roads.Latest mobiles,gazetes are available.FM stations are using advance signal device.Banks are using advanced technology.Culture are also influnced by modernizaton.Mostly youth are attracted to the modern culture.Mostly western culture  are being popular in Nepal.Nepal has to develop more to be a mordernized country.There is vast difference in Nepal and other modernized country.

tourism aspects

One of the main industry of Nepal is Tourism.Every year people from different places of the world come to visit Nepal.Nepal has natural beauties which attracts the most people in the world.Tourist come to see the diverse geographical features of Nepal.Nepal is listed in one of the good holiday destination.There are many popular tourism spots in Nepal.Kathmandu is one of the most holiday destination place in Nepal.Every year Kathmandu is filled by tourist.Only Kathmandu has international airport.Pasupathinath,Shoyambhunath,Chhangunarayan,Hanuman dhoka,Narayani are some popular spots for tourist.Only kathmandu has zoo  called Central zoo which is in Jaulakhel.There is stadiums to watch sports.It has fine hotels to make tourist feel like home. And resturant,cofee shop for good breakfast.Pokhara is another most  visited place of Nepal.Lakeside of Pokhara is most popular for tourism.Bindhubasini temple,Barahi temple, Sarankot hill,Devis fall,Mahendra cave are the popular tourism spots in Pokhara.Lakeside is mostly filled with hotels,resturants,disco and bars to spend fun time.Lumbini, Muktinath temple,Manakamana temple,Bandipur are the other good spots for torism.Maily tourist come to visit and climb Mt Everest.There are road transportation,air transportation  to travel safely from one spot to another.Nepal is a good place to spend holiday.But tourism indutry is not much developed here.Nepal can make more facilities to tourist than this.Government should pay attention towards tourism industry.  

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

religious aspects

 Nepal is a religious country . Nepali peole are living with their religion from birth.Nepali people are seriously concerned with their religion.There is a vast diversity in religion.Nepali religion tells that the world was created by 3 gods Bramha,Bishnu and Shiva. Each caste have its own religion.but most of the religions are originted from Newars.Brahmin are known as high caste and considered as priest of temples.From birth Nepali people are  following religion.After every  birth a ritual should be done called Nuwaran.Ater that in teen age they had to do another ritual called Bratabanda.Nepal is filled with festivals.Dashain  and Tihar are the main festival.All castes observe this festivals.Dashain is of 15 days.Gasthapana in which seeds are cropped in soil to grow jamara,Phoolpati in which the jamara are taken out,Vijaya dashami in which people visit their elders and put tika jamra all includes  within 15 days.15th day is the day of Purnima(full moon) when  Dashain ends.After some weeks later people observe Tihar.Tihar is observed within 5 days in which kaag puja,kukur puja,gai puja ,laxmi puja ,bhai tika is observed.Goddesh  Laxmi(god of wealth) is worshipped . People play dheusi bhailo,dance sing,go to relatives house.Tihar ends with bhai tika .Holi is also one of the festivals in people play with colours.In this day a evil named Holika was killed so people congratulate each other with colours.There are others many festials like Teej celebrated by women for their husband long life and to get good husband for unmarried women,krisnajanmaasthami to celebrete the birth of krishna,gurupurnima to respect teachers and many more.There are jatras like gai jatra,ghode jatra,indra jatra .Nepali people doesnot like if the religion and customs are hamperad or insulted.