Wednesday, October 19, 2011

people aspects

Without people there is no value of a country especially good people.Every country have its own people they get their country name by birth.Every people are named by their country name like people of America are called Americans , Japan are called Japenese ,people of china are called Chinese likewise  Russia Russians, India Indians, Africa Africans.likewise people of Nepal get their name after their country name from  birth and are called Nepalese.people of Nepal are mostly narrow minded , superstitious.Nepali people are friendly ,cooperative in time helpful.Varieties kind of people are found in Nepal.according to caste Brahmin ,Chhetri , Newar ,Magar ,Gurung ,Tamang ,Sherpa ,Tharu ,Rajbansi, Dhimal ,Sherchan and many more.Each caste have different lifestyle, culture ,living.Brahmins are most religious beliefed caste.They are more dedicated to traditions then other caste.Most of the Brahmins are vegetarians.Newars are the most celebrating caste of all caste.Newars observe most of the festivals through out the year then the other caste.Newars are originated from Kathmandu.Kathmandu is mostly populated by Newars.Newar have their own language called Newari.Gurung people also have their own customs ,tradition .most of the Gurung people are working out of the country.They speak Gurung language.Sherpa people mostly lives in cold Himalayan regions.they have their own customs.they are mostly buddhist.nepal is filled with various kinds of people.There are people of old age and also people of modern age.

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