Monday, October 17, 2011

entertainment aspects

In today's world entertainment has became a part of life.All the people likes to be entertained.People are mostly attracted to the place where there is more entertainment.Music ,movies ,sports ,dancing , singing ,games are today's entertainment factors.But internet has became everyone's choice.Nepal is a beautiful entertaining country it do have entertainment sources.Here are discos ,bar ,where people spend their quality like Hollywood ,Bollywood Nepal too have movie industry which is popularly known as Kollywood .Several movies are released per month.Here are many movie theaters.Nepal is one of the few country where all kind of movies are released.Hollywood  ,Bollywood , Kollywood all movies are played in theatres here.Beside movies sports are another part of entertainment here.Bunje jumping , river rafting , cricket , football  are some popular sports.Some festivals are very joyful like Holi where people play with colours , Mahashivaratri where peolpe play with sugarcane.also Tihar where people play with fireworks.There are several fm radios establised.Every year many competitions are held of different fields.So people who visit Nepal will not be bored nor the people living here.Nepal is a positive country with positive things.It does not have that much entertainment facilities like others but it is just as perfect as others.  

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