Wednesday, October 19, 2011

wildlife aspects

World is filled arround with Wild lives .This Wild life makes the World alive. There are many animals and birds with unique characters , features ,skills which make them different from others. Wildlifes live in the place where it can adapt.Many countries have unique animals and birds which makes it popular like Australia is known for kangaroo,China is known for White Pandas ,India for Bengal Tigers. In context of  Nepal ,it is filled with various wild lives.Wild lives of  Nepal has adapted to the environmental condition of it. According to Nepals geographic region,in the northern Himalayan region animals like yak , horse , snow leopard ,tibetan fox , tibetan wolves ,red panda ,marbled cat.Yak is most popular and useful animal  in Himalayan region.Yak are used for milk, to carry  loads horse are also used to carrry loads.Birds are not much found in Himalayan region but the national bird of Nepal Lophophorous( Danfe ) is found  there .In hilly regions .Bengal tigers, wild buffaloes , wolves ,foxes ,wild oxes ,deers ,swamp deers ,musk deers,spotted deers,barking deers ,leopards ,hyenas   are found.Mostly domestic animals are found in hilly like cows ,buffaloes ,dogs, cats ,ox .and birds like sparrows ,crows ,parrots ,pegions , eagles , vultures,swarms ,ducks  .In the terai region most the animals and birds are found. Great numbers of wildlifes are found in Terai  regions.tigers , Bengal tigers , one horned rhinoceros , elephants, monkeys , pythons ,gharials , crocodiles, bears , jackals ,deers .and birds like eagle ,vultures , kingfishers ,herons, hornbills ,bulbuls ,kokos,swarm.But many animals and birds are in list of endangered animals like tiger , rhinoceros , python ,vultures , crocodiles.Every year the number of wild lives are decreasing.

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