Wednesday, October 19, 2011

international relation aspects

Nepal is a small country.It is economically backward then other coutries.Its defence system is also weak.Nepal is very backward related to technology and development than many countries like America , India ,China , Europe ,Africa. Nepal lies middle of between two countries India and China which are two big and developed countries.Nepal's neighbouring countries China and India are more further developed than Nepal itself.the technologies systems rules used in China and India are very much advanced than Nepal .Even though it has good relation with this countries.China and Nepal are mutually cooperated with each other.China helped to overcome its economic condition.China provides raw produce to Nepal. Also it provide Nepal with gadgets. Nepal also provides crops to China. India helps Nepal in finance,provides industrial products. Most of the things used in Nepal are imported from India.many hospitals ,schools , roads built in Nepal with the help of India. Japan also helped in constructing building ,highways.USA and  UK are mutual countries which also helped Nepal in finance. Nepal is one of the member country of  SAARC which is a international organisation of different international  countries. Nepal participates in international competition like Olympics. The relation of Nepal with other international is mutual and going on good.

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