Tuesday, October 18, 2011

medical aspects

Health is the main ornament of the people.Everyone wants to be healthy fit and fine.If a person is health than success, reputation ,money ,people  will follow  him.If a person is so healthy than success,reputation, money will be faraway from him.A country also depends on the health of its peoples.If the citizens are healthy the country  will be active , developed and successful . If the citizens are unhealthy than the country will be inactive , undeveloped . So, health is must important .In context of Nepal , thousands of people get sick per year.People of  Nepal are not much concious about their  health .They do not take to much attention to their health. Many hospitals ,clinics ,health post ,sub health post are there for treating patient .Some of the popular hospitals are Bir hospital , Manipal hospital , Gandaki hospital .There is a hospital in Bhaktapur which is working for Laprocy  patient . Low sickness  are treated in health post ,clinics but critical suituation are treated in hospitals. Doctors are skilled and highly professional .Many of the operation  are success full.Many medicines shops are available in many parts of Nepal .Quality and pure medicines are provided to patent.Before people were unawared about health education.People did not know the way to remain healthy.But after the increse in education system, health related programs  , awareness ,health campains people now are much about heathy methods.People are accepting the healthy habits now a days.Most of the people are now consious  about the fatal and communicable diseases like aids.There is decrease in number of people of getting aids . Government are doing their best to provide more technified health facilities.many medicinal herbs are also found in Nepal which are used by people in daily basis.Nepal has many more to do for health sector for to be a healthy country.

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